Sokrates Lamprou

New design. New Beginnings.

3 min read

Amidst the challenging economic climate, I’ve unveiled an all-new design for my website, a refreshing change during these times of recession. My previous website was constructed using Jekyll, a favored static site generator endorsed by GitHub. However, the new incarnation of my website is powered by Svelte and TailwindCSS, an upgrade that speaks for itself 😏

This transformation was brought to life through the ingenious work of mattjennings, utilizing the sveltekit-blog-template. Be sure to explore his remarkable creations.

Recognizing the pivotal significance of a robust online presence, especially in the realm of indie hackers, I’ve embarked on an extensive endeavor to revamp my digital image. From my GitHub, Twitter to my LinkedIn and personal website, even my presence on IndieHackers, every facet is undergoing a meticulous makeover.

With newfound determination, I am committing myself to the continuation of crafting compelling blog posts centered around coding endeavors and ongoing projects. I’m currently brimming with ideas that beckon validation and feedback from the vibrant community that surrounds me. Here’s a glimpse into my strategic plan:

  1. Finalize the composition of this very blog post.
  2. Persevere in the enhancement of my websites.
  3. Share insightful tweets on pertinent topics.
  4. Engage in the development of silly yet ingenious projects.
  5. Blog about silly projects
  6. Venture into the realm of ProductHunt and IndieHackers, unveiling select ideas to gauge their traction within the community.

As of today I have 4 ideas/projects that I am pursuing.

  • Failedge: Place where you can post about your failures and learn from others. Considering to do what the founders of betalist did to requestforstartup, which essetially fetches all hackstags #requestforstartup from twitter and keep them on the website. I am considering to do the same for failedge (beta). Just a silly project I’ve done to learn new web technologies.

  • Distjobs: As I was looking for remote jobs, I realized that there is distinction between a company with a remote policy and distributed teams. I found there to be a lack of job boards focusing on jobs with distributed teams, hence the name Distjobs.

  • TheLastRequest: My tenure at a previous employer illuminated the need for structured communication between technical and non-technical departments concerning coding requests. Pondering a solution, I conceived of a service that streamlines this process, enabling various departments to submit structured tech/code requests for engineering manager approval. Yet, the feasibility of such a tool remains uncertain, as it pertains to broader issues of company communication.

  • SillyIdea: Epiphany struck as I grasped the paramount importance of social presence and early adopter validation for indie hackers. My search for early adopters led me to betalist. However, much like producthunt, betalist leans towards MVP launches. However, the paradox lies in launching an idea that lacks community validation. Introducing SillyIdea — a platform for sharing concepts, where collaborators can enlist themselves (no signin required, with emails), forming a structured group to shape the MVP in exchange for a free lifetime deal. A symbiotic proposition that empowers both sides. Why invest in domains and elaborate landing pages when you possess nothing more than a Silly Idea?

As exhaustion settles in, I’m reminded of the formidable challenge that writing presents. It’s no small feat. Let’s anticipate the creative concoctions that C-GPT will serve up next time, shall we? 😁

More to come! Over and out.

Sokrates Lamprou

Hi there! 👋 I’m Sokrates, a software developer based in Sweden. Got a passion for writing code, learning new frameworks and languages. My tinkering bucket list is currently Go, Rust and Elixir. Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a handy developer! 👷